
About Experian

For more than 100 years, Experian has been using the power of data to transform lives, businesses and economies for the better.

Experian has been at the forefront of establishing a data mindset to prevent fraud globally working with public and private sector organisations. We save businesses and societies around the world nearly £4 Billion annually by stopping fraud before it is committed. We globally screen more than 15 million fraudulent acts a year; 3,300 a second. This protects individuals, society and businesses.

Fraudsters don’t make a distinction between private and public sector. There are strong parallels between the public and private sector when trying to accurately assess fraud risk of an individual with insights from data supported and ratified by a real-world understanding of the fraudster, their motives and their modus operandi.

We know that the deeper understanding of the fraudster through data and analytics depends upon a solid foundation supported by effective partnership both internally and externally. We are working in partnership with the Cabinet Office’s Counter Fraud Centre of Excellence and we’re proud to be a key part of this event with the Cabinet Office.

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